Post Israel Aggression and The Era of Obama:
By : Tony Wardoyo (Member of Indonesian Parliament and Church, Id Number A: 239) and Aryojati Ardipandanto (Researcher of Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, ISDS Jakarta)
The world know enter the new hope post Israel “defeat” in Gaza and the rise of Barack Obama as The Presiden of United States America (USA). In many times, the Successor of President George W.Bush, gave the statement in his inauguration as the Presiden of USA that he will start the new era of relationship with Moslem world in mutual respect. If this statement is followed by it’s realization, it will be matched with the situation of “unity” between Christian and Moslem world post Israel massive aggression in Gaza early 2009.
There is a new interesting unfolding of whole world reaction that examine closely the Israel military aggression to the Gaza Strip region, Palestine. That is the stronger solidarity of Christian and Islam. Unsuspected, the Countries of Christian majority, such as Venezuela and Bolivia show far more distinct compare with Moslem Arabian Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt in pressuring Israel out of Gaza Strip. The position of those Latin America Countries is more brave by “kicking” the Israel Ambassador out of those two Countries.
Vatican position, as reflected by Paus Benedictus XVI statement, is clearly hardly critizes the Israel aggression. In many other Christian Countries such as Greece, Italy, France, England and other stool Countries, also express local solidarity, waved examine closely the military aggression. Christian community do not only demonstrate, but also give a lot of fund assistance to the Palestine Embassy in Asia, Eropa and America.
The massive support of internasional Christian society to the fate of Palestinian is a new phenomenon with extending indication, that is the perception of Moslem-Christian in international stage become one. It can be said that the phenomenon is never happened before, especially in the context of Palestinian sufferings. In the crisis time of Palestine, in 1947 and around 1980, phenomenon of the unity of Moslem and Christian perception was so powerless and indistincted, although late Paus Johannes Paulus II was a consistent supporter of the establishment of independent Palestine.
But, at that time, Vatican support was not followed by massive scale support of Christian world. Whereas, in the circle of Palestinian independent fighter, many enough of them having Christian background, such as George Habas, Michael Aunt and Palestine Christian intellectual, Edward Said, etc.
Since Israel established a country on the land owned by Palestinian, Israel Zion military have been pursued and oppressed Palestine Christian people in many times, besides Palestine Moslem as well. That is why, in the Israel military aggression at Gaza in this early 2009 and Lebanon in 2009, it seem that bombing Christian inhabitant region to be on purpose. So, through television and media, international people see the procession of ceremony done by Christian Priest to the parish who also become victim of Israel attack.
The problem is, why the massively unity of position of Moslem and Christian world responding Palestine problem newly appear in the Israel military aggression in latest 2008 until early 2009 ? It seem that it cannot apart from the change of international politics constellation.
In this era of post cold war, focus of West and East rivalry is very decline. Israel cannot lie to West people anymore just like before, just like lie to UK and France that Israel is the only one of West interest instrument in Middle East.
Even recently, in Moslem circle itself, the more intellectual figures and bussnismen who can build communication and network with out world, such as Europe, Latin America and sometimes USA. This condition is strengthened by telecommunication unfolding that make possibility to the faster spreading of an event to be known.
From here, people in the world can soon take part in the news of Israel military brutality that destroy civilian target such as children, women, school, offices and school owned by United Nations.
Keep the Momentum
With this unfolding, what we need to pick from the unity of Christian and Moslem solidarity in responding on Israel aggression in Gaza ? In Moslem world, striving to extend the condussive condition when having a relationship with Christian society is urgently required. It can be done by do the curb on part of municipality who still have limited point of view, that Palestine is merely only problem of Moslem.
In Christian world, also need to keep the momentum of togetherness with Moslem in taking position on Palestine problem. This is not only humanity problem, but also connected with Christ history in the past since the era of Jesus Christ who became a victim of Jews conspiracy.
There are many enough historic literature which show that the root of conflict between Jews and Christian so much deeper and longer than the tension between Jews and Islam. That because Islam obviously was not to be outward yet when Christ began to rise.
Visually, we can see how strong the hatred of Jews on Jesus Christ and His followers, as we can watch on the movie : The Passion of Christ, directed by Mel Gibson. Even when this movie was being made, international Jews (USA) community still kept on slandering Jesus Christ story.
Yet, Jews religion foreman in this era, in their internal statements still often insult the conviction of Christian faith, by calling Jesus Christ as a whore son born by adultery. Whereas, Islam tuition itself place Jesus Christ in honourable position by believing him, as Isa Almasih, who obviously born by God’s miracle, without father or by coitus.
The strong root of that Jews and Christian conflict, whe see also by understanding this statement : The Relevance of Huntington’s Work on The Clash of Civilizations (2005), The statement is : “Huntington furthermore forgot the rise of conflicts between Christians and Catholics against the Jews in World War II due to the tendency of the church in supporting Hitler and his regime rather than giving empathy and saving the Jews from Hitler’s politics of genocide”.
Preceding, in the middle age, Christian Queen, Isabella of Spain had commaded the princely elimination of Jews out of the Country that so they ran away searched for protection of Turkey.
Seeing relation of Jews and Christ conflict in the past, the momentum of neighbourhood of Christian society with Moslem in taking position on Israel aggression in Gaza, properly have to be built more seriously. In early 2000, known that some Israel Jews youth tried to turn upside down the Church of Nativity. If the power of Zion become really strong later, the main target of destruction is the Church of Nativity, and next the Masjidil Aqsha which owned by Moslem. As a reason of Israel Jews race destroying the two places, because there the place where the Temple of Solomon exist, that so only Jews who have the right to use it.
Besides, also the more appearance of extremism in Israel Government that want Jerussalem only authorized by Israel Jews while Moslems and Christians are forbid the pilgrimage and get involved in execution of the Jerusalem city that actually is owned by the three religions of Abraham descent.
By those explanations above, the people of Christian and Moslem world wide have to shoulder to shoulder facing the danger of Jews Zion movement from the Israel state of terrorism, including how to make the order of the world more impartial.
Tony Wardoyo is: Member of Indonesian Parliament (DPR-RI) and Church. Id Number A: 239. postgraduate JohanesBurg Mainz Germany University.
And Aryojati Ardipandanto is Researcher of Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, ISDS Jakarta, Indonesia
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